Episode 62 - Some good news, some bad news (feat Cam Smith)

So Malcolm Turnbull has gone! (That's good.)
But he's been replaced by Scott Morrison. (That's bad.)
Peter Dutton has also had his ambitions destroyed! (That's good.)
But he's still in charge of torturing refugees. (That's very bad.)
Julie Bishop has ended her career too! (That's good.)
Australian voters feel like they've eaten potassium benzoate. (That's, well, how we usually feel.)

Episode 60 - "Australia, you've been very naughty" (feat Denise Pirko)

02:07 Fraser Anning shames the 19 people who voted for him
11:48 Sky Nazis
12:50 Christopher Pyne is happy to pretend to be afraid of "African gangs", just give him a second take
16:16 Victorian government fascistly refuses to promote network that features fascists, which is totally fascism.
19:19 Jeremy already didn't like Mark Knight's witless cartoons
26:26 A WA cartoonist produces something even more racist than the Knight cartoon
29:40 Andrew Bolt wants everyone to assimilate, which is why he's going to move away from the ghetto of rich white people in which he lives and go and live with poor refugees.
35:20 We're bullying refugee kids into catatonia
39:00 Heat poverty
41:48 Vic govt finally puts out bill improving tenants' rights, prompting a campaign against it by land rats.

Episode 59 - "Scared? No, should I be?"

03:45 Dutton recalls 2001
07:50 Dutton's parallel universe "African gangs"
11:35 Pyne forgets the narrative
18:54 Non sequitur corner - hack commercial media assume population growth is due to "migration", even when they're reporting it actually isn't.
29:02 Albo betrays everyone
36:20 Labor? THIS APING THE COALITION ON BRUTALISING REFUGEES ISN'T WORKING FOR YOU. Here are some suggestions on the only real way out of this for you.