Episode 14 - A Wide-Ranging Discussion (feat Guest Host Cam Smith)

A wide-ranging (code for a bit all over the place) discussion about what's going on.

00:53 Introducing Cam Smith from Gather Around Me (and his making fun of absurd conspiracies podcast)
03:55 Eric Abetz is worried about rainbow flags
04:50 Trying to listen to right-wing podcasts
05:28 George Christensen drops whip role because irony
06:47 Sky "News Agenda" tries to ambush Bob Carr on Netanyahu and it backfires
07:30 Matthias Cormann seems to have missed something obvious
09:10 Tony's five-point-plan of terrible ideas: inaction on climate
11:00 Cory is lonely
12:05 Malcolm and nonsense about opinion polls
13:30 Cam thinks maybe standards in parliament used to be higher
17:45 Morrison or Dutton, we know it's lose-lose, but if you had to choose
18:41 Interjection: how is there a national tenancy database with barely any oversight?
19:50 Morrison or Dutton: world's worst episode of Perfect Match continues
21:00 Tony's terrible ideas for immigration and housing
21:54 Penalty Rates
22:20 Interjection: "Jobs and Growth" defined
24:42 Penalty rates - businesses dodging them; ALP could pick better representative
29:05 Penalty rates - weekend loading vs higher wages
33:46 Increase wages vs house prices
35:30 Centrelink betraying Australians' private information to punish them
45:50 The Lib who wants even longer between elections (fixed four-year terms)
49:10 AUSTRALIA VS HUMANITY - people as fleas, deporting a doctor for having an autistic child. Australia on human rights council
01:12:30 STUCK IN MY CRAW - Denise Pirko - telling young people that housing's quite doable, if they sacrifice more

Episode 14a mini episode: in which Tony has a bunch of lies he'd like you to believe

Jeremy has a short rant late at night about Tony's "manifesto", a bunch of terrible ideas based on shameless lies. Also a week of hacks misleadingly defending the broken housing market.

01:04 A day of hacks misleadingly defending the broken housing market
02:16 The "can you find a first home buyer in 2017" challenge
04:10 it's not a matter of saving, or immigration, or supply, Mr Sukkar
07:50 Tony's "manifesto"
15:12 So what have we learned?

Episode 13b - the Omnibus (feat returning guest host Denise Pirko)

01:03 the "omnibus", or "please don't notice the insanely cruel cuts to the safety net we've shoved in here"
12:20 the bus under which Trumble continues to throw refugees
17:55 what does Jacqui Lambie think "sharia law" actually is
24:20 A Theory
25:30 It's "social security", not "welfare"
25:55 Fear of taxes
29:50 Even the banks think maybe we should rein in the housing bubble
32:44 Demonising trans people
37:58 Privileged people thinking they're the victim
39:18 Christensen, the Q society, and the right-wing podcast
51:52 The Libs, Pauline Hanson, John Howard
01:12:10 #notmydebt Centrelink debt debacle takes at least one life
01:14:23 Stuck in my Craw featuring Corrine
01:17:06 Pondering Corrine's challenge
01:21:31 Libs declaring they'll use clean energy fund to pay for new coal power stations
01:27:32 Correction
01:29:13 Postscript - Jeremy actually going back and listening to that right-wing podcast

Other links:


Handout with helpful links to assist refugees, from Tom Ballard's "Boundless Plains To Share" 2016 MICF show, drawings by Tommy Dassalo: Side 1  & Side 2

Government modelling shows power prices will fall if RET stays
ACIL Allen review showing power prices are lower with higher RET

Episode 13a Technical nonsense won't stop us (Hasa Diga Eebowai)

After attempts to record a current episode with a future guest host fail, Jeremy Sear records a brief update as to the giant switcheroo this week, where a government trying to kick the poor very hard (we'll get onto the additional lunacy of the libs promoting coal whilst Australia burns next week) somehow gets the national media to be distracted instead by weird upper-class name-calling, and the antics of random fringe right-wing nuts like Cory, Pauline, Andrew and Miranda.

Episode 12 - Trumble's tumble (feat Guest Host Corrine)

Jeremy is joined by Guest Host Corrine to discuss the ridiculousness of clean coal, and of course Trumble's terrible terrible week. Greg Jericho returns to tell us what's stuck in his craw.

00:51 Jeremy does a very long intro
03:51 Malcolm's no good very bad week
08:00 Australia vs the US ("dumb deals" and the TPP)
19:30 Is It On and if not How Soon Will It Be On?
22:40 the ludicrousness of "clean coal"/how to counter nonsense about the RET
45:07 Australia vs Humanity (what will happen to our refugees? How could we possibly endanger a pregnant refugee just to avoid the rule of law? Also why do we have to be such jerks about invasion day?)
59:41 What is "reform" anyway, asks Greg Jericho as he pries his craw free.

UPDATE: Turns out that, according to Snopes, the Arkansas law doesn't allow rapists (at least those who've actually been found guilty in a criminal court of rape, which of course doesn't mean all of them) to "sue" to stop abortions. But it does allow spouses and families to stop women using the safest method. And prosecutes doctors. Thereby endangering women. But technically a convicted rapist couldn't stop all methods of abortion, so Snopes records it as "false".