Episode 24 - Does Brandis Ever Get Anything Right? (feat guest host Brandon Selic)

1:10 Murder in Brighton; stupidity and dishonesty in Canberra
21:21 Stuck In My Craw (Denise Pirko) - the oblivious use of abusive language for maligned people
27:24 Born after 1966? No retirement for you
37:22 Centrelink - trying to get through, and trying to make any sense of the system when you do
43:07 News Corp tantrum over GetUp! member on Press Council board
48:11 Liberals inviting Margaret Court to fundraising event
52:53 Australia vs the parts of humanity that don't want to be consumed in nuclear fire
59:36 Trying to bring it all together

Episode 23 - Spite and Bloody-mindedness (feat guest host Denise Pirko)

01:10 Treaty not fluff
05:32 The actual Uluru Statement of the Heart
12:18 Racist macho bullshit - Tony Abbott & One Nation want you to think, although it's not true, that refugees increase the risk of terrorism; Barnaby has a new pitch for the ADF; Barnaby has noticed a much stronger link between terrorists
24:20 NSW has a plan to tackle housing affordability that the Premier herself says won't work
31:45 "Welfare" drug testing - revelations from Estimates; politics of spite
38:54 Public facilities shouldn't be named after people who fight for the law to discriminate against fellow citizens
44:43 What's stuck in Greg Jericho's claw - polling on policy
51:05 Australia vs Humanity - forcing LGBTI refugees to countries that oppress them; Dutton's office as arrogant as you'd expect

Episode 21 - Stop Pretending The Budget Wasn't Monstrous (feat guest host Denise Pirko)

01:22 Budget 2017 episode
01:49 It's not a "Labor Light" or "fair" budget
03:40 company tax cut up $15bn
07:50 making the lives of the very poor much worse
15:19 drug testing, at unspecified cost, the very poor
16:00 kicking people off DSP if they can blame past drug use
16:30 #ScattMorrison
22:27 the politics of spite
26:30 50% of Australian adults on $40k or less
29:30 grinding poor graduates into poverty
32:38 Hack media propaganda "Hip to be Fair"
36:40 Shazam This Code To Sing Along With ScoMo
40:35 The budget's selling points, according to the Daily Tele
41:05 the banks
42:37 How pissweak is ScoMo's response to the housing affordability crisis? So pissweak that the real estate lobby haven't complained
52:38 Stuck in my Craw - NSW refuses to decriminalise abortion;
56:10 Australia vs Humanity - 25 years of mandatory detention, and how it happened
01:02:08 ALP response live
01:05:54 fundamentalist christian homophobic extremists armed with pies

Episode 20 - A shaggy dog podcast (feat guest host Denise Pirko)

A difficult week for tying a podcast together neatly. A bad week for tying a podcast together neatly. But Jeremy and guest host Denise give it a red-hot go.

02:28 Look admittedly this bit lacked structure, because there's no real way of tying these things together: 457s and the arts; 457s being inadequately racist for some English immigrants' tastes; tiny bump for Malcolm's nationalism; work for the dole a terrible policy, but "red meat for conservatives"; AFP accessing journalists' metadata without warrant; The Oz trying to sell Trump to Australians; "Save our Super" vs Kelly O'Dwyer; and oh yes we were threatened with a nuclear strike this week.
30:30 Apparently the ANZACs fought to silence criticism of government policy? Particularly by Aboriginal Australians like Katrina Ngaitlyala Power or muslim Australians like Yassmin Abdel-Magied.
55:55 Housing developments including rent bidding, Serco maybe running public housing in NSW, Grace Collier has some very silly things to say (and access to a very silly paper which will publish them) and Jeremy has an idea to tackle affordability whilst also protecting people
01:19:52 Stuck In My Craw - "Hydro" and coal - Corrine
01:23:00 Oops we forgot Australia vs Humanity - Dutton Won't Apologise But Would Like An Apology Himself