Episode 28 - Canadian sleeper agents (feat Denise Pirko)

01:14 The absurdity of the anti-dual citizenship provisions; Australia loses two of its best senators - and where to now for the Greems?
20:53 Getting in first and taking your opponents' critiques before they make them.
29:54 Tudge's latest attack on the poor
35:18 Internships: an attack on everyone's wages
45:00 Stuck in My Craw - Lyndsey Jackson vs Turnbull vs maths
51:00 Australia Vs Humanity - 4 years, $4.9bn later, Dutton is throwing people in our Manus facility out into PNG. 
59:23 An especially racist week for The Australian media

Episode 27 - How Renters Having Decent Rights Helps Us All (Guest Host Mark O'Brien, CEO of the Tenants Union Victoria)


01:24 What's going to happen to our country and why housing policy makes one of the biggest differences to how we turn out in 20 years
04:50 The demographic/social security time bomb being created by locking a generation out of housing
06:49 How improving renters' rights could help with housing affordability generally
13:54 Transience - what taking away security of tenure does to a community
15:00 More Australians discovering the unfairness of living without housing stability
16:43 The Victorian review of the Residential Tenancies Act
18:50 The competing proposals for changes
20:08 The real estate lobby's ideas to make the present situation even worse, starting with making it easier to evict people - more grounds, faster, and easier
24:32 Is the aim just to reinforce the idea of renters as a peasant class who survive at the whim of landlords?
25:05 The real estate lobby wanting *even more* than "no reason" evictions - they want "any reason" evictions. Making it even easier to discriminate against people and punish tenants for daring to exercise a right
27:56 Why it's important to get rid of the "no reason" eviction power
29:24 Jeremy derails discussion to put his proposal to require landlords evicting at their own convenience to pay the tenants' reasonable removal costs and release the bond sooner
32:19 Would such renters' rights deter people from investing in housing? Only the speculators who are the problem
34:16 The Dickensian system we're presently moving towards instead
36:25 Stopping tenants enforcing their rights
37:00 Tenants Union fighting to improve tenancy stability, and what will happen  to the state if it leaves it as is or makes it worse
38:22 They don't think it's your home - landlords' powers to invade your home for inspections or selling the property - and their ideas to make it worse
43:30 Pets - a basic right enjoyed by non-renting Australians, but which some landlords seem to think they should have the power to deny
49:20 Tenancy databases, unenforceable protections
50:25 The extraordinary, poorly regulated power of agents
54:12 Better privacy protections
55:22 Rent bidding and AirBnB
57:28 Fighting the idea that landlords should have the right to control what tenants do in their homes
59:36 Getting people fired up to fight for these rights - and overcoming idea there's something shameful about renting long-term
01:01:36 How creating a power then turns it into a requirement - giving agents the power to come through homes every 6 months has turned it into something they have to do for their clients
01:03:58 Doing something about it - Make Renting Fair http://www.makerentingfair.org
01:07:07 Renters being treated as - and then thinking of themselves as - second-class citizens
01:09:34 How can someone have more rights leasing a car than a tenant has in their home?

Episode 26 - Another Department Gone Rogue (feat Lyndsey Jackson)

(We apologise for the parts where Lyndsey's mic created some noise)

01:06 Robodebt/Notmydebt inquiry comes down
03:20 Another department goes rogue & declares war on the people it deals with
05:28 Another department that crushes whistleblowers
08:50 Another department burning institutional knowledge
15:25 Another department announcing figures it can't explain
18:17 Another department claiming it's too hard to do basic things (in this case, calculate how much they overstated debts)
20:17 Is Centrelink's plan to discourage anyone who can avoid it from dealing with it?
28:49 Other new awful changes to social security: doubling the time someone has to wait for Centrelink if any liquid assets (ie any buffer)
33:05 Lib response "it was political" as if there's something else they do in parliament beyond political things
35:31 Porter contemplating idea that social security not so much a transfer from rich to poor
38:30 Admitting that drug tests haven't worked overseas, but refusing to back down.
38:56 What's wrong with "welfare cards"? And is the drug trial actually an attempt to justify them?
44:58 The fraud of the NT intervention (New Matilda article referred to: https://newmatilda.com/2017/06/28/a-decade-on-the-fraud-of-the-nt-intervention-is-exposed/)
51:47 Pyne vs Abbott and LNP far-right
58:10 Greens vs Rhiannon
01:15:46 Stuck in my Craw - Denise Pirko (content warning: discussion of failures of criminal law addressing recent rape cases)
01:32:13 Australia vs Humanity - shutting down Manus wasn't meant to just mean turning off the lights and leaving refugees in the dark. But that's what's happening.

Episode 25 - Contempt (feat Guest Host Denise Pirko)

02:18 Hunt, Tudge and Sukkar's contempt (along with Hinch and Latham)
12:28 Brandis doesn't grasp the difference between sharing your information, and having it taken
15:10 Grenfell here: more likely to die from dangerous towers due to inadequate regulation
21:10 LNP and News Corp working hand in hand to (misleadingly and unfairly) bash the very poor
24:30 Finkel and LET: Malcolm's headache
27:00 Insane citizenship testing
31:58 Some compensation to victims of Manus Island regime
35:54 New powers for Peter Dutton, cartoonish super villain
41:25 "Fixing" native title for Adani
42:20 Gallery hacks offended at the leaking of Trumble joking about Trump